For credit unions and community banks to compete today, they must combine the digital personalization customers expect and the human touch they still value.
Read MoreThe Embold brand empowers members to boldly pursue their goals. Using Strum Platform, they extended this philosophy to create multi-email campaigns catering to new members’ unique personal needs. The results were powerful.
Read MoreWhen measuring the success of an email marketing campaign, many financial marketers can become hyper-focused on clicks and opens. While these are important metrics to track and optimize, they don't tell the whole story - at the risk of missing more significant opportunities to drive organizational performance.
Read MoreWe hope to see you in Chicago May 23-26 for the 2022 MAC Conference! The Strum team will be running live demos of Strum Platform, as well as sharing stories of recent naming, branding, marketing and advertising successes from credit union partners all across the country.
Read MoreAs we begin prepping 2023 plans and strategies, here are five strategic marketing shifts we see emerging or rising as priorities. These may be key to future growth, innovation, competitive brand distinction and enhanced performance.
Read MoreIn this webinar, Randy and Lee discuss member and consumer expectations in 2022, and how perceptions of brand aligns with target growth audiences.
Read MoreMany financial institutions struggle with digital transformations - these five factors are essential for a success.
Read MoreThe journey to a premium financial brand delivering world-class financial wellness and category-leading experiences is far from simple. It’s a story marked by courage, continuous innovation, and risk-taking to transform an organization, its culture, and market reputation - that’s worth learning from.
Read MoreThe Battle for Brand Leadership in 2021 is On: Redefine Your Value Proposition, Purpose & Culture to Drive Sustainable Growth and Consumer Relevance
Read MoreIn this current economic crisis, consumers are shaken by the financial impacts of unemployment and disruptions to their daily lives. Choices made today, will make all the difference in the months to come.
Read MoreStrum Platform empowers financial leaders with advanced cloud-based customer segmentation insights, visualized PowerBI™ dashboards and relationship building capabilities that automate and improve customer journeys to jump start needed sales and growth results.
Read MoreDigital transformation initiatives promised massive advances through data analytics, but have proved a failure for over half of all financial institutions that embarked on this journey. What’s going wrong and how do you fix it?
Read MoreHow to leverage intelligent market, financial and customer data analytics to drive smarter branch decision making.
Read MoreThe missing key to successful digital transformation: the last mile, one-to-one user personalization.
Read MoreThe initial 3 to 6-month period following the acquisition of a new member may be the single most important phase of the entire member journey.
Read MoreNew Business Intelligence Data Analytics Software Strum Platform™ is the Next Generation of User Personalization, Targeting & ROI Performance.
Read MoreIn today’s increasingly competitive financial services industry, member profitability has become a vital topic. Accompanying this growing interest has been the challenge of developing and interpreting member profitability data and information.
Read MoreThey know how people bank, borrow, save, transact and live their financial lives. But most organizations have limited ideas about how to harness that data, build strategies around it and use it to shape future performance. Thus more than ever, it pays to focus on this truth: Data and analytics generated by the customer provide a valuable blueprint for how to engage that customer in the future.
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