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The Strum Blog

Webinar: Using Data Analytics to Thaw Brand Freeze

It’s make-it-or-merge-it time for many credit unions across the country. And for many, their brands have been frozen in time waiting for some kind of new normal to show its face and jump start growth. Now, it’s time to stop waiting and make things happen!

Let’s talk about rising member and consumer digital expectations in 2022, and how perceptions of your brand - and experiences, must align tightly with the “ideal” audiences you want to attract for relationship growth, retention and higher performance.


Randy Schultz, VP Marketing

Lee Allen, Director Strum Platform


In this webinar hosted by the Marketing Association of Credit Unions, join Randy and Lee in a fun and informative discussion. You’ll learn a lot on these key issues:

  • You’ve done a brand assessment…now what?

  • Using your data to help market timely, relevant, relatable personalized solutions 

  • Tools to strengthen your message, your brand and grow member advocacy across multiple channels

  • What measuring ROI should look like - and why the C-Suite wants it now

  • Where do we go with our brand and how do we connect with the right people, the right message for them, at exactly the right time?

A great brand enriched with good data must work together to answer the most important question for your members and target prospects: “What’s in it for me?”